Committed to the principles of the corporate social responsibility, Yamal LNG has adopted its corporate Health, Safety and Environment Protection Policy.

Among the main priorities are the well-being, health, and safety of the employees, contractors’ personnel, and the local population in the areas of the Company's operations. The Company promotes respect for human rights, environmental protection, the opportune and pro-active engagement with stakeholders, and civic investment in the local community.

The Company is constantly endeavoring to enhance and fully perform its obligations towards sustainable development, adhering to the international standards for environmental protection and social responsibility, striving to ensure compliance of all of its business activities with the applicable Russian laws.  With these objectives in mind, a series of steps is being taken:

  • An integrated Health, Safety, Social and Environmental management system has been implemented, and ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 international standard certificates have been obtained;
  • Developing and taking robust measures to prevent and mitigate the consequences of any accidents, injuries, and occupational hazards by actively involving Company and contractor personnel in the process;
  • Performing engineering, construction, and operations with every necessary precaution to ensure occupational health and safety compliance in severe Arctic conditions;
  • Taking actions to prevent and mitigate the damage  and the negative impact to the environment and the community by following the best industry practices (the Equator Principles and Performance Standards of the  International Finance Corporation  geared to ensure environmental and social sustainability);
  • Supervising security contractors hired by the Company to ensure their observance of human rights with regard to Company employees and the local population;
  • Ensuring compliance with employment legislation and protecting the legal rights and interests of Company employees

Yamal LNG offers its employees a transparent and easy-to-understand grievance mechanism – one that is based on the principles of non-discrimination. All Yamal LNG employees have equal opportunities for professional training and career growth.